What's better then a Crack Fokker? How about a Lil Fokker! Twisted Hobbys team pilot and designer Cody Wojcik has shrunk the Crack Fokker into an action packed smaller version with no compromises! We are overwhelmed with the Lil Fokker's entire flight envelope. Much more than just a fun concept, this aircraft is really something special. In testing our team has constantly compared this ridiculously fun triplane to some of the best full sized, 32" aircraft. It is that good! The floaty and confidence inspiring "uncrashable" feeling of the full sized Crack Fokker marries perfectly with the responsiveness of a mini. Endless funnels, eye level flips, effortless rolling harriers and knife edge loops, and surprising precision are all well in this airplane's repertoire and are delivered in a pocket-sized and convenient package.
Thorough testing has also created a great power combo for the Lil Fokker. With a common and inexpensive 2S 450 pack and 7 or 8 inch prop, power is plentiful and flight times are long. Get yourself one of these Lil Fokkers and enjoy some of the most fun times this hobby can offer!